Beyond the Mission

A Second Chance to Thrive

Los Angeles County’s underserved men deserve a second chance, and Connected Hands is here to provide it. Located in Inglewood, California, this nonprofit organization is dedicated to supporting individuals through life-changing services such as mental health counseling, job training, housing solutions, and legal ...

Empower Underserved Men

Breaking the cycle of recidivism and inequality takes more than just a single program—it requires holistic support tailored to individual needs. Connected Hands stands out as a beacon of hope in Inglewood and throughout Los Angeles County by focusing on their Second Chance Initiative. This unique approach ...

Compassionate Recovery

Guiding you through addiction challenges with understanding and support.

Wellness Together

Building healthier lives through community-focused wellness programs.

Empowerment Assistance

Providing housing, financial, employment, and educational support for brighter futures.

Discover Insights & Tips for a Brighter Future

Explore our insights page for practical advice, inspiring stories, and expert tips tailored to empower your journey. From navigating housing challenges to improving mental wellness and career growth, our blog is here to provide valuable resources and guidance. Stay informed, motivated, and connected with topics that matter most to you.